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Offices: Suite 305 AVAILABLE!

Suite 305: Professional Office Suite

1000+ Sf, $2,250/mos

YES! We have executive office space availability at the Old Masonic Lodge on the Historic Courthouse Square in Georgetown, Texas! We have ONE large, open-plan suite (the “Eastern Suite”) left. This amazing suite has 7 enormous windows, 6 hanging dome lights and 3 hanging ceiling fans. It’s 1,000 sf (+ -). The ceiling in this suite is easily 20 feet high. The suite also features a private kitchenette, and easy access to the elevator and Common area restrooms.

The entire suite is ADA accessible. Kitchenette includes full-sized fridge, snack bar, toaster oven, microwave, coffee maker and dish washer. There is fire-stair access from the back of the room.

Work in an amazing location
One of the great things about this suite is it’s proximity to Gumbo’s fantastic lounge and private room. With it’s gorgeous lounge and wonderful outdoor balcony, the 2nd floor lounge is a great place for entertaining clients and closing deals.

And with a plethora of other great dining options on the Square, working in downtown Georgetown offers a magical quality of life. If you want to escape from the drudgery of fluorescent bulbs, cubicles, strip malls and office parks, working on the Square is utterly invigorating and refreshing. Here we offer zest, and the stimulation of a vibrant downtown. Work and play in the energy and vitality of a bustling district. We offer walking-distance access to banks, coffee shops, restaurants, fine retail, pastries, title companies, beauty salons, government offices, and the county courthouse. There is just about always something interesting going on downtown.

See how good work life can be on the Historic Courthouse Square!



Call 512.633.2961 for more information!


Suite 305 Photo Gallery
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Fill out the form below, OR Call 512.633.2961 for more information!


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